Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Jamu Slim-Firming Treatment at Theresa Beauty

Skinny is not something I am associated with, and I never was. Honestly speaking, I have spent a fair share of my adolescence years trying to lose weight. Exercise, skipping meals, detox and whatever it is, you name it, and I probably have done it. It disoriented my self-esteem for sure when I still could not reach the targeted goal I've set for myself. Skip forward to now, I have learnt to accept the fact that I am who I am, and while I wasn't born and cannot be skinny, I make it up with my great sense of humour and immense love in cooking. 

When Theresa Beauty invited me to try their treatments, I was definitely intrigued. Could one treatment really do what I been trying to achieve by all those exercises and diet ? So of course I just had to go and try it! 

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While waiting for my appointed specialist, I was presented with this lovely gesture which I thought was incredibly thoughtful. I finished that apricot & apple juice instantly which was incredibly yummy & filling! I was told that this one petite drink could replace one meal... Could I have more please! hahaha

My specialist for the day, Apple, consulted me in a variety of treatments that they have. I was particularly interested in the Jamu Slim-firming treatments for arms, tummy or thighs. After much consideration, I decided to try the Jamu Slim-firming treatments for my tummy. 

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I was then led to the treatment room, and digressing just a little, I am swept off my feet by the interior of this place! The whole place is carpeted and furnished gracefully to the T!

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This is my cosy treatment room with calming sound effects on the background and the dimmed lights made everything close to a serendipity. Literally just what I needed after a long and hard week!

While measuring my before-treatment stomach, I was taken aback when Apple immediately spotted my problems, namely indigestion, frequent cramps and irregular period. If anything, this proved how professional she is! 


1. Firming & Exfoliating Scrub
2. Spot Slimming Massage
3. Jamu Mask
4. Toning Wrap

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This is me before falling into a deep, relaxing sleep which I hadn't have in a  long time!

After completing the treatment, here comes the deciding part if the treatment really does work, the measuring of my after-treatment tummy.

Here's the before and after results :

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Could you believe that I lost a total of 10 cm?!! I was so incredibly surprised and of course, elated to see the immediate results!

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I was then served with a cup of hot tea while Apple consulted me more on the after-treatment and also on healthier lifestyle.

She told me that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and missing it is what actually causes my frequent migraine and cramps. And that, a couple of light exercises a day could help with the blood circulation in my stomach which lead to regular monthly periods. 

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The tea that I was served with, is for smoother digestion, which is really one of my problems. And unlike those herbal tea which might not fancy the younger tastebuds, this cup of tea is very tasteful.

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And here's the professional and friendly Apple with me! 

On top of the satisfying results, what really gets me is the service I was given. Apple left all the decisions to me, there was zero pushing or coercing.Throughout the treatment, she was incredibly attentive to my needs. 

If you were always hesitant in visiting because of the hard-selling that you might receive after a treatment, then you have my words that you will receive none of it in Theresa Beauty. They genuinely care about your needs and sincerely helped you to resolve your problems!

And here's a good news for you !

Theresa Beauty is giving three of you free Jamu slim-firming treatment ! All you have to do is answer the question below,  and enter it in the " comments" section in the google form and voila!

Question: How many cm did Lupita lose from her waistline after her treatment?

The 1st 3 readers who answer the question correctly will win a Jamu slim-firming treatment at Theresa.

1) Only applicable to 1st time customers, 23 years old and above
2) Only applicable to Singaporeans, PR, Spass, EP, WP holders
3) Not to be utilised in concurrent with other promotions
4) Strictly by appointments only.

Submit your answer by clicking the link below :

Good luck girls xx

1 comment:

jaeoheelle said...

which outlet did you go to? (: